I had blogged about Webaroo
on my Tech blog, and I got a mail from a webaroo professional.
Very smart. This is the future of marketing. Relevant and contextual advertising. Sending mesages to those who are actually interested.
Some Pondering over the Big Brands
what is the point? people who are interested already know (thats why they are blogging about it in first place). marketing is all about informing people who don't have a clue. and is it practical to write to every blogger and thank them? i dont see it as "future of marketing".
I was actually referring to the fact that webaroo team sent me the mail....the mail for their products since I had blogged about it...I call it more focused and targeted advertising rather than the conventional way of marketing which is shotgun approach...This is the future of advertising...catching people who are interested in the products or services rather than targeting all and praying some body will come...
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